Tuesday, January 20, 2015

African Teen Lives a Double Life

Fort Portal, Uganda. Just like any other teen, King Oyo, a seventeen year old king. He does normal things like all the other teens his age but he's the king of four Kingdoms in Uganda. Not every teen has that responsibility at seventeen. "I still find it a little uncomfortable when people now, especially the older ones," it states in the cnn article. Image being seventeen and people are bowing down at your feet as you walk into school? Being a king ever since the age of three you would think he would be used to it by now.  But having that responsibility has its downsides like having security all the time and not being able to do the normal things he wants to do. At that age no one should have that much pressure to make decisions as a King.


  1. This is interesting! I didn't know they had kings and queens in Africa. Do they have similar roles as kings and queens in England?

  2. Since he is the king of four kingdoms how many kings do they need in Africa?

  3. In England they to have similar roles but in Africa they have more power and can make more decisions unlike England they just have the title.
