Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Kids In The City- Breaking Rocks

 The video documents the lifestyle of children in FreeTown, Sierra Leone. This video relates to "A long Way Gone" by Ishmael Beah in that Beah fled to FreeTown for safety at his uncles house. In the video they talk about the troublesome of the Civil war and rebels making them flee their home towns. The children in Freetown are forced to mine rocks to pay for their schooling. The primary school has the lowest literacy levels. The education is suffering due to parents needing their children to work. A little boy is interviewed and says, "I'm not ok. Breaking stones is hard."
A child shouldn't have to worry about supporting their family financially. Their main concern should be the education they're getting. It's upsetting to see how the children in Sierra Leone want to learn, but can't due to having to mine rocks and not having the best schools. Can The U.S do anything to help this problem?


  1. How old are the children that have to mine the rocks?

  2. One of the children they interviewed was as young as 7!
