Friday, January 23, 2015

Ebola Puts Adoptions In West Africa On Hold

Tessa and Joel Sanborn have been put on hold for the adoption of their 5-year-old son Devine due to the Ebola outbreak. The orphange is in Liberia is on hold due to a state of emergency. Their are several children which became orphans because they lost thier parents. "Some aid workers also say a shortage of food and supplies is making it difficult to care for those children..." Before the Ebola hit the country was "...attempting to overcome the ravages of war..." With the shortage of food and supplies their has been many  emergency funds. Even the Sanborn family and other family's "...have organized a good and supply drive for Devine's orphanage at local resturant." Liberia was a "...major partner with U.S. adoption agencies, but the situation has changed recently due to the complications unrelated to Ebola." Now the orphange in Liberia has decreasing numbers of adoptions, "...only 12 adoptions from Liberia by Americans in 2013, down from 353 in 2006." Anglin who is apart of the orphange's organization "...continues to track the status of orphans such as Devine, so she can update his parents. The impact of Ebola can be difficult to explain to a young child, she says."

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