Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Last Kings of Africa

Alfred Weidinger is an art historian who was in search of the last few kings in Africa. Weidinger has been on this journey since 1979. He has been traveling the world looking to photograph the most powerful leaders, and so far he has captured 220. He has set many goals for himself, but this one is the biggest. Weidinger planed on visiting Africa twice last year and then this year six more times this year. Mind you, while on all of these journeys he doesn't have any idea where these royals are located. "There is no list, there is nothing! So you just have to go there" (Weidinger). While on these trips he has also encountered many problems. Problems including todays technology not being accepted, not being able to find the kings, or kings not where they're at because of the different political beliefs. Politics have also had a great influence in todays modernizing society, and that will soon end Weidingers search. Modernization is the cause for the search of The Last Kings of Africa.


  1. What does he do with the pictures he takes? Sell them?

  2. He calls it his photography project, so I believe he will sell them in an album when he completes it this year.
